The Shape and Breadth :: A Poem


the shape and breadth

i want angels,

big fiery ones.

i always have.

i want the miracle

a sky shaped being to intervene

in the nick of time,

i want their wings to brush

my face. i want Aurora Borealis

but here in the tropics

and i want it to catch me up,

to lift me so

i don’t fall. i want it to bring me

somewhere else, somewhere

quiet yet filled with roaring flame.

i want it all.

i went for a walk this morning

and there were birds, and when i considered

every beautiful thing as love from God

i felt for a moment as though I was

standing under a spigot, wide and gushing.

i soaked it all in, and

who is to say, really,

that the shoulders of the mountains

the hovering clouds

were not the shape and breath

of angels?


This poem is one that I wrote last May. I’m back to writing daily poetry because I missed it so much. Support me on Patreon and get my poems in your inbox.

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