

Yesterday was a day of many tasks. This and that, all around the town. It was hot all day, the rain always threatening but never breaking. My poor husband had a migraine all day, so he was lying in a dark room, trying to keep the pain to a dull roar. Poor guy.

Here’s what I did:

I dropped Isaac off to play at a new friend’s house for a few hours. That was a drive on the motorbike up into the rice fields, which are nearly ready for harvest. The grains hang now, heavy on the stalks. Cows in the field nearby. He went happily, which was a good sign, because he is starting at a Montessori school next week. (Egad! My heart might not take it!)

Leafy and Solo were at our house having their Thai lesson with their teacher at the same time. As I came and went, Solo kept trying to get me to tell him what eleven is in Thai. He knows it, but always forgets. I laughed with his teacher (also my teacher) and drove off for more errands.

I bought a new gas bottle for the stove, since ours ran out when I was baking bread the night before. That means heaving the gas bottle into the chariot and driving down to the gas shop. Easy enough, thanks to the chariot.  

I came home and helped with math and did read alouds with my kids and our Russian friend Vrinda. We’re reading Number the Stars right now, as well as poems by Robert Browning. And the book of Ephesians. It’s maybe my favorite time of the day.  

I printed and shipped a painting. I love our post office and the people who work there. I bought bus tickets for the weekend. I’m heading to Chiang Mai for book group, which is reading my book this month, a fact that is exciting and nerve-wracking, both. We’re reading A Traveler’s Guide to Belonging, and the food for the evening matches the book, so I’m looking forward to eating Indian food. I‘m taking an extra day to finish all the details around my upcoming book launch, and things have been so busy around here lately that I’m happy and excited to take the time.

Today at Shekina Garden, Brendan, Chinua, and I are hosting a little English camp for eighteen Thai kids from a local church, so some of my errands were in preparation for that. I went to a local restaurant to order food for lunch. We settled on three trays of curries and we’ll make our own rice. I left a 500 baht deposit, and when the lady saw that it was the last of the money I had in my change purse, she kindly asked if I needed to buy more things, and if it was an imposition to ask for a deposit. I told her it was fine, and there was much arm-grabbing and laughing on both sides. As I left, I heard my name called and saw that my kids’ art teacher, Fo, was finishing with his move across the street. I went and visited with him and his wife, and we talked about the expense of camping in Europe, and hot nights in the tent. (An aside, camping is still very affordable in America, and especially for a seven person family.) Later, I showed Leafy where the new shop is, so he and Solo can ride their bikes there for class today.

I bought art supplies for English camp. I think we’ll make little books with favorites. My favorite color, my favorite food, and stuff like that. I ran into Brendan on the street, and I went to talk with my friend at a local café. When I got home, my elderly neighbor was walking back and asked what I bought. So much! She said. She didn’t really want to know, it was just a way of saying hello. She’s the best.

I went to the plant shop and bought yellow marigold plants so I can put them outside my gate for the King’s funeral. We’re coming up to the last of our mourning period, and there are yellow and orange marigolds everywhere, in remembrance. We’re also wearing black or white or dull colors. By the end of October, mourning will be over. 

Then I went to the afternoon market and bought papaya, bananas, peanuts, and broad beans for snacks for the English camp. I bought tomatoes, eggplant, and cucumbers for dinner, but we ended up eating rice, greens, and fried eggs, (easiest and best Thai food ever) so the tomatoes will be for Persian food tonight. We ate a little of my lethal kimchi (so spicy, so so so spicy) with the rice and greens, and it was perfect. 

Then cuddling in bed with Solo and Isaac, helping Kai with his math work, goodnight goodnight to everyone. Collapsing in bed. Errands days are fun here.



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