Searching for Home Newsletter is out... and other things around the web.
It’s been an eventful few days, and I thought I would do a round up of what’s I’ve been up around the Internets.
I wrote and sent out the fifth Searching for Home Newsletter. If you haven’t heard about this yet, it is a series I’m working on as I research and write a book about home. To connect and receive the newsletter, you can become a patron of mine at Patreon, and you’ll get it monthly in your inbox. If you join up now, you can access all the previous newsletters as well. Here’s an excerpt from this month’s letter:
I write to you from the need for order. Or, with my twin pursuits of avoiding order and needing order firmly fixed in my mind. This pair of needs is perhaps the trickiest part of being me. I seem to long for order and freedom from order with equal fervency. No sooner have I created a schedule for myself than I am leaning away from the schedule with my whole body, my inner rebel trying to get as far away as possible from the likelihood of being boxed into anything. Sigh.
But I need order!
How to be at peace with the need for chaos and the need for order?
I also posted Two Poems and a Prayer for patrons in the Otters and Seals and above tiers.
I launched my new website, The Painted Stork.
At The Painted Stork you can buy prints of my artwork, which are now shipped very quickly thanks to an excellent third party printer. I will be adding more and more products to this shop, in addition to occasional launches of things I have hand-embroidered or handmade.
Followers on Instagram or Facebook, or newsletter subscribers will be first to know when I have something like this out. (I will have three pairs of hand-embroidered leg warmers out next month!) Subscribers to my newsletter also get free monthly desktop wallpaper!
We are still publishing the Shekina Meditation Podcast each week, and I just published a new episode yesterday!
I also frequently update on my Journey Mama Instagram feed. Follow me there to see photos and video of daily life. And that’s what’s been going on all around the web for me. Much love to you all. Wash your hands! :)