Peace: A Blessing


Peace. These days, I whisper peace right as I wake up in the morning.

We prayed for peace in our home while we lit the advent candles, and then I sat and soaked it in. Chinua is away for a couple of days, so it was just the kids and me. Kai and Kenya had their guitars out, and he was teaching her to play scales. (He is a good teacher.) Leafy worked something out on the piano. I twisted Isaac’s newly forming dreadlocks and Solo sat beside us. The candle flames danced. The sounds were all clashing, the piano and two guitars and then a ukelele. It was utterly peaceful. I soaked it—I am learning to stop and settle into every good moment. To say, this is good, and let it live like a jewel inside my heart.

This, this, is a peaceful moment, and in these moments, I pray.

Peace to my anxious heart.

Peace to the world.

Peace to those who get looked at funny in the street, who have to hold up their hands for no reason. Peace to the fearful. Peace to those who wander. Peace to artists. Peace to fathers and mothers and to those who have lost a loved one. Peace to refugees and to the detained. Peace to those in desperate places. Peace to those who want to do the right thing and don’t exactly know how. Peace to those who don’t know how they will pay for their living today or the next. Peace to those who live on the streets.

Peace to you, dear one.


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