A poem from this week.


I’m writing a poem a day for my patrons. It’s been a good thing for me to practice right now, especially on days that might simply run into one another without being noted.

Here’s one from this week:


my two youngest sons
helped me in the garden
in the smoky late afternoon
the eerie sky outlining them in light
as they passed through the sprinkler.
they competed over who
could harvest the most
seed pods
from the old kale plants:
I got ten! I got twelve! that one was mine!

they rode their bikes down steep paths
laughing when they fell
and managed to tug a hose until it broke
while they watered roses
they remind me of puppies
they can’t seem to move without falling
over one another
they are soft
they bring joy.

after dinner we made a tick on the wall
for the second day of quarantine.
the three of us held hands
we gave thanks for good things
for the bikes
for the garden
for the seeds
in my heart was a dear
fierce gratitude
for them
for them
for them.

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