Where I was.
Each day is pulled along into the next by the tendons.. I shake myself awake in the morning, get up, start skating on marble, throwing oatmeal into pots and draping clothes on their fragile fibers on the clotheslines.
In other words, we are busy.
I was very touched by my mother's confidence in me in the comment section of the last post. "Did you make that boat?" she asked.
She asked. Although I have never to her knowledge constructed a boat. No time like the present! Perhaps Rae has taken up boat crafting! she thought tenderly. And why not? Maybe I will.
No, the boat was one of these:

They are traditional Goan fishing boats, made of mango wood, and built with a sewing method and wood pegs. The technique is probably over a thousand years old.

It was a treat to be out in one.

Those are some huts.
I was headed out on a dolphin trip; a beautifully touristy event that I have never taken part in before. But when I was on my writing vacation, and a man approached me in the evening on the beach, asking if I wanted to go, I thought- why not?
So I arrived and the two fishermen who took me out pushed the boat into the water. I stood around looking helpless, until it was time to jump in. I didn't want the boat to land on my foot or their feet or something.

The kids and I have learned that those wooden things are very similar to what they built the pyramids with. Although I think the Egyptian ones rolled. I'm not sure. Rolling ones would be hard in the sand, I think.
Fascinating boat detail:

The sun came up. (I had to meet them at the boat before sunrise.)

"Over there!" he cried! "Dolphins!"

They kept laughing at me because I was missing the jumping dolphins. I finally saw a couple, but I didn't get any pictures.
Just pictures like this:

And this:

You just can't stop staring, though. They're just so beautiful.
Wait, here's our guy again.

Let's see another picture of him.

When I went to take the picture of them, they got very serious. This is the Goan Fisherman Serious Picture Face. As though they hadn't been mocking me the whole time. "Eleven jumping dolphins and you only looking three times! Ha!"
Oh. This is a big fishing boat.

And these are some cool rocks.

And that's all. Dolphin trips. Not only for people who can spot dolphins!
In other words, we are busy.
I was very touched by my mother's confidence in me in the comment section of the last post. "Did you make that boat?" she asked.
She asked. Although I have never to her knowledge constructed a boat. No time like the present! Perhaps Rae has taken up boat crafting! she thought tenderly. And why not? Maybe I will.
No, the boat was one of these:

They are traditional Goan fishing boats, made of mango wood, and built with a sewing method and wood pegs. The technique is probably over a thousand years old.

It was a treat to be out in one.

Those are some huts.
I was headed out on a dolphin trip; a beautifully touristy event that I have never taken part in before. But when I was on my writing vacation, and a man approached me in the evening on the beach, asking if I wanted to go, I thought- why not?
So I arrived and the two fishermen who took me out pushed the boat into the water. I stood around looking helpless, until it was time to jump in. I didn't want the boat to land on my foot or their feet or something.

The kids and I have learned that those wooden things are very similar to what they built the pyramids with. Although I think the Egyptian ones rolled. I'm not sure. Rolling ones would be hard in the sand, I think.
Fascinating boat detail:

The sun came up. (I had to meet them at the boat before sunrise.)

"Over there!" he cried! "Dolphins!"

They kept laughing at me because I was missing the jumping dolphins. I finally saw a couple, but I didn't get any pictures.
Just pictures like this:

And this:

You just can't stop staring, though. They're just so beautiful.
Wait, here's our guy again.

Let's see another picture of him.

When I went to take the picture of them, they got very serious. This is the Goan Fisherman Serious Picture Face. As though they hadn't been mocking me the whole time. "Eleven jumping dolphins and you only looking three times! Ha!"
Oh. This is a big fishing boat.

And these are some cool rocks.

And that's all. Dolphin trips. Not only for people who can spot dolphins!