Another trip to the Banyan tree

We've been having a deep retreat, covering meditation and other practices for those of the Jesus Way. So far we've talked about community life, meditation, contemplation and intimate worship, the practice of singing together, and loads of other stuff. And then today it was time to run away to the gigantic banyan tree that is down the road aways.  We packed food for an evening picnic and loaded up the scooters and cars.

On the way

On the way.

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It takes about two seconds after we arrive for them to be up a tree.

Doesn't take long for them to start climbing

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They're looking up because the Superstar Husband is way up here:

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Can you see him?  He's right in the middle.

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This one just stuffed bananas in his mouth.

This is a monkey I found in the tree.

A monkey I found

And these are shenanigans:


Our friend: fully relaxed

Easier to spot here

This is a man from Holland who has many years of experience in Christian community and with meditation.  We invited him to come and share some of his wisdom with us. I'm not sure that he expected this kind of adventure, but he got it!

This is how we treat our guests

We like to stick our guests in trees.


Also our Leafy boys.