The Birthday Party
(In Photos- by Chinua)
I knit Solo's birthday crown with this pattern. I loved the idea of a birthday crown, but couldn't find the right fabric anywhere (which left me despondent for an afternoon, I hate seeing beautiful craft ideas and realizing that there's no way I can pull them together because I can't get the materials in India) and then realized I had a basket full of yarn and lots of needles.

How does one properly demonstrate to a one-year-old the fine art of blowing out a candle?

When I encouraged him to dig in, he made the tiniest of pats. He was far too polite to get cake everywhere.

We had the party at our favorite, well, not favorite, but closest and most family friendly restaurant. Ever since we first arrived in this village and started looking for a place to live, the Nepali brothers who own this restaurant have been great friends to us. And the restaurant is on Tripta's rooftop, so I figured we should have it there, since Sagar and Milan (the Nepali guys) and Tripta and her daughter are some of Solo's best buds.
When I was making a mess of cutting the cake, Sagar stepped in. And then an Israeli girl at the next table finished serving everyone, and I thought, where else would someone just jump in from the next table when they see you are having trouble cutting your cake? Nowhere else, is where.

Solo's first unwrapping job went well. (I helped a little.)

This is my pride and joy- a wood toy that I managed to find while I was in Delhi. Here my stance against crap toys has been strengthened, simply because if I am not diligent, we will really end up with toys that will break the very next day. I can't STAND IT.

It was a good party. Simple, small. Just enough to let me catch my breath for Kid A's, which is coming up.
I knit Solo's birthday crown with this pattern. I loved the idea of a birthday crown, but couldn't find the right fabric anywhere (which left me despondent for an afternoon, I hate seeing beautiful craft ideas and realizing that there's no way I can pull them together because I can't get the materials in India) and then realized I had a basket full of yarn and lots of needles.

How does one properly demonstrate to a one-year-old the fine art of blowing out a candle?

When I encouraged him to dig in, he made the tiniest of pats. He was far too polite to get cake everywhere.

We had the party at our favorite, well, not favorite, but closest and most family friendly restaurant. Ever since we first arrived in this village and started looking for a place to live, the Nepali brothers who own this restaurant have been great friends to us. And the restaurant is on Tripta's rooftop, so I figured we should have it there, since Sagar and Milan (the Nepali guys) and Tripta and her daughter are some of Solo's best buds.
When I was making a mess of cutting the cake, Sagar stepped in. And then an Israeli girl at the next table finished serving everyone, and I thought, where else would someone just jump in from the next table when they see you are having trouble cutting your cake? Nowhere else, is where.

Solo's first unwrapping job went well. (I helped a little.)

This is my pride and joy- a wood toy that I managed to find while I was in Delhi. Here my stance against crap toys has been strengthened, simply because if I am not diligent, we will really end up with toys that will break the very next day. I can't STAND IT.

It was a good party. Simple, small. Just enough to let me catch my breath for Kid A's, which is coming up.