Scenes from our house this weekend

When Becca came from Canada, she brought the book the creative family, by Amanda Blake Soule, stuffed into her little green duffel bag.

I love the book and all the ideas for creativity as a family, but I especially love the family drawing time idea.

Yesterday during afternoon storms, after a raucous game of Skip-Bo (I provided the Skip-Bo; my Superstar Husband provided the raucous), we sat down for family drawing time.

The family that draws together...


Paints and paper

Chinua and pastels



It was very, very lovely. I felt like I could totally concentrate on what I was working on, as well as enjoying being with the kids.  By the time I pulled the camera out, Leafy had finished with the whole art work thing and had fashioned himself a boat out of a broken umbrella.

We also shucked peas this weekend. (Pea shucking photos are by Chinua)

Becca shucking peas

Leafy and the pod

And, of course, we tried to keep Solo (who scoots, now) from putting things in his mouth.  "No shoes, Solo!"

Everywhere Solo

Who, me?