
Now we enter the busiest time of year for us. And I don't mean the holiday season. We'll be starting up our meditation center next week, having dinners, devotion circles, all the beautiful things in this life that we live. It's FULL of people, moments, stories. I often have trouble getting it all down. I'm also teaching my own kids and tutoring one other boy. Writing a book. Organizing a family.

When I look at all that, I see it's no wonder I find that from the months of November to March I sometimes have trouble finding time to write about it all. My real life is larger than life. But I want to remember, want to share it with you.

So I'll try to write about one thing. As often as I can, I'll sit down to share one thing from the day, and knowing me, it will branch off into other things and turn into a big story and suddenly you'll have a thousand word post about life. Or maybe not. Maybe it will remain one thing.

Here we go... deep breath, into our season here. A big rush of air and... we're flying.

Here's my one thing today.

I was tired. I was up late yesterday and a bit exhausted emotionally. My bright red toenails kept cheering me up, though. I liked looking at them. I also liked looking at the YaYa sister's toenails, because after I painted mine, I painted hers, and then Jaya came along and wanted to bling them out even more.

So she added little bindi stickers to the ends of YaYa's toes.

India really is a great place to be if you're a little girl who loves fancy stuff.

Here is some breaking news, though. The YaYa sister is tired of pink and purple. It only took about four years of wearing it non-stop. She still wears it (see photo), because it's what she has, but she'd like the world to know that we will be buying future clothing in shades of blue and green.